PSM for lake varve thickness#
In this tutorial, we introduce the PSM for lake varve thickness in cfr
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import cfr
Data preparation#
pdb = cfr.ProxyDatabase().fetch('PAGES2kv2')
pobj = pdb['Arc_001']
fig, ax = pobj.plot()
model_tas = cfr.ClimateField().fetch('iCESM_past1000historical/tas')
>>> The target file seems existed at: ./data/ . Loading from it instead of downloading ...
Get climate data for a specific ProxyRecord
pobj.get_clim(model_tas, tag='model')
CPU times: user 2.59 ms, sys: 39.6 ms, total: 42.1 ms
Wall time: 41.2 ms
Create a PSM object#
mdl = cfr.psm.Lake_VarveThickness(pobj)
pp = mdl.forward()
CPU times: user 127 ms, sys: 36.2 ms, total: 164 ms
Wall time: 165 ms
fig, ax = pp.plot()
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