High-level workflow in LMRt

Expected time to run through: 5 mins

In this tutorial, we demonstrate how to reproduce our 1st LMR reconstruction in the previous notebook with the high-level workflow.

Test data preparation

Again, if you haven’t done yet, please prepare test data following the steps: 1. Download the test case named “PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP” with this link. 2. Create a directory named “testcases” in the same directory of this notebook. 3. Put the unzipped direcotry “PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP” into “testcases”.

Below, we first load some useful packages, including our LMRt.

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

import LMRt
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

Load configurations

Let’s again create the job object and load the configuration YAML file. To distinguish between the 1st reconstruction, let’s specify the job_dirpath in the call, which indicates the path where we store our results, to another location.

job = LMRt.ReconJob()
LMRt: job.load_configs() >>> loading reconstruction configurations from: ./testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/configs.yml
LMRt: job.load_configs() >>> job.configs created
LMRt: job.load_configs() >>> job.configs["job_dirpath"] = /Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/docsrc/tutorial/testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/recon_high
LMRt: job.load_configs() >>> /Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/docsrc/tutorial/testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/recon_high created
{'anom_period': [1951, 1980],
 'job_dirpath': '/Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/docsrc/tutorial/testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/recon_high',
 'job_id': 'LMRt_quickstart',
 'obs_path': {'tas': './data/obs/gistemp1200_ERSSTv4.nc'},
 'obs_varname': {'tas': 'tempanomaly'},
 'prior_path': {'tas': './data/prior/b.e11.BLMTRC5CN.f19_g16.001.cam.h0.TREFHT.085001-184912.nc'},
 'prior_regrid_ntrunc': 42,
 'prior_season': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
 'prior_varname': {'tas': 'TREFHT'},
 'proxy_frac': 0.75,
 'proxydb_path': './data/proxy/pages2k_dataset.pkl',
 'psm_calib_period': [1850, 2015],
 'ptype_psm': {'coral.SrCa': 'linear',
               'coral.calc': 'linear',
               'coral.d18O': 'linear'},
 'ptype_season': {'coral.SrCa': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
                  'coral.calc': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
                  'coral.d18O': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]},
 'recon_loc_rad': 25000,
 'recon_nens': 100,
 'recon_period': [0, 2000],
 'recon_seeds': [0,
 'recon_timescale': 1,
 'recon_vars': 'tas'}

Now let’s prepare our job with the .prepare() method, which will take care of the steps prior to the “Data assimilation” section in the previous notebook.

Prepare the job

LMRt: job.load_proxydb() >>> job.configs["proxydb_path"] = /Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/docsrc/tutorial/testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/data/proxy/pages2k_dataset.pkl
LMRt: job.load_proxydb() >>> 692 records loaded
LMRt: job.load_proxydb() >>> job.proxydb created
LMRt: job.filter_proxydb() >>> filtering proxy records according to: ['coral.d18O', 'coral.SrCa', 'coral.calc']
LMRt: job.filter_proxydb() >>> 95 records remaining
LMRt: job.seasonalize_proxydb() >>> seasonalizing proxy records according to: {'coral.d18O': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], 'coral.SrCa': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], 'coral.calc': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]}
LMRt: job.seasonalize_proxydb() >>> 95 records remaining
LMRt: job.seasonalize_proxydb() >>> job.proxydb updated
LMRt: job.load_prior() >>> loading model prior fields from: {'tas': '/Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/docsrc/tutorial/testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/data/prior/b.e11.BLMTRC5CN.f19_g16.001.cam.h0.TREFHT.085001-184912.nc'}
Time axis not overlap with the reference period [1951, 1980]; use its own time period as reference [850.08, 1850.00].
LMRt: job.load_prior() >>> raw prior
Dataset Overview

     Name:  tas
   Source:  /Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/docsrc/tutorial/testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/data/prior/b.e11.BLMTRC5CN.f19_g16.001.cam.h0.TREFHT.085001-184912.nc
    Shape:  time:12000, lat:96, lon:144
LMRt: job.load_prior() >>> job.prior created
LMRt: job.load_obs() >>> loading instrumental observation fields from: {'tas': '/Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/docsrc/tutorial/testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/data/obs/gistemp1200_ERSSTv4.nc'}
LMRt: job.load_obs() >>> job.obs created
LMRt: job.calibrate_psm() >>> job.configs["precalc"]["seasonalized_prior_path"] = /Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/docsrc/tutorial/testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/recon_high/seasonalized_prior.pkl
LMRt: job.calibrate_psm() >>> job.configs["precalc"]["seasonalized_obs_path"] = /Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/docsrc/tutorial/testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/recon_high/seasonalized_obs.pkl
LMRt: job.calibrate_psm() >>> job.configs["precalc"]["prior_loc_path"] = /Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/docsrc/tutorial/testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/recon_high/prior_loc.pkl
LMRt: job.calibrate_psm() >>> job.configs["precalc"]["obs_loc_path"] = /Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/docsrc/tutorial/testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/recon_high/obs_loc.pkl
LMRt: job.calibrate_psm() >>> job.configs["precalc"]["calibed_psm_path"] = /Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/docsrc/tutorial/testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/recon_high/calibed_psm.pkl
LMRt: job.seasonalize_ds_for_psm() >>> job.configs["ptype_season"] = {'coral.d18O': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], 'coral.SrCa': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], 'coral.calc': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]}
LMRt: job.seasonalize_ds_for_psm() >>> Seasonalizing variables from prior with season: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
Searching nearest location:  13%|█▎        | 12/95 [00:00<00:00, 112.97it/s]
LMRt: job.seasonalize_ds_for_psm() >>> job.seasonalized_prior created
Searching nearest location: 100%|██████████| 95/95 [00:00<00:00, 107.38it/s]
/Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/LMRt/utils.py:243: RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice
  tmp = np.nanmean(var[inds, ...], axis=0)
LMRt: job.proxydb.find_nearest_loc() >>> job.proxydb.prior_lat_idx & job.proxydb.prior_lon_idx created
LMRt: job.proxydb.get_var_from_ds() >>> job.proxydb.records[pid].prior_time & job.proxydb.records[pid].prior_value created
LMRt: job.seasonalize_ds_for_psm() >>> job.configs["ptype_season"] = {'coral.d18O': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], 'coral.SrCa': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], 'coral.calc': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]}
LMRt: job.seasonalize_ds_for_psm() >>> Seasonalizing variables from obs with season: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
Searching nearest location:  11%|█         | 10/95 [00:00<00:00, 97.04it/s]
LMRt: job.seasonalize_ds_for_psm() >>> job.seasonalized_obs created
Searching nearest location: 100%|██████████| 95/95 [00:00<00:00, 99.05it/s]
Calibrating PSM:   9%|▉         | 9/95 [00:00<00:00, 86.19it/s]
LMRt: job.proxydb.find_nearest_loc() >>> job.proxydb.obs_lat_idx & job.proxydb.obs_lon_idx created
LMRt: job.proxydb.get_var_from_ds() >>> job.proxydb.records[pid].obs_time & job.proxydb.records[pid].obs_value created
LMRt: job.proxydb.init_psm() >>> job.proxydb.records[pid].psm initialized
LMRt: job.calibrate_psm() >>> PSM calibration period: [1850, 2015]
Calibrating PSM:  62%|██████▏   | 59/95 [00:00<00:00, 92.65it/s]
The number of overlapped data points is 0 < 25. Skipping ...
Calibrating PSM: 100%|██████████| 95/95 [00:01<00:00, 91.55it/s]
Forwarding PSM: 100%|██████████| 95/95 [00:00<00:00, 1516.82it/s]
LMRt: job.proxydb.calib_psm() >>> job.proxydb.records[pid].psm calibrated
LMRt: job.proxydb.calib_psm() >>> job.proxydb.calibed created
LMRt: job.proxydb.forward_psm() >>> job.proxydb.records[pid].psm forwarded
LMRt: job.seasonalize_prior() >>> seasonalized prior w/ season [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
Dataset Overview

     Name:  tas
   Source:  /Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/docsrc/tutorial/testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/data/prior/b.e11.BLMTRC5CN.f19_g16.001.cam.h0.TREFHT.085001-184912.nc
    Shape:  time:1001, lat:96, lon:144
LMRt: job.seasonalize_ds_for_psm() >>> job.prior updated
LMRt: job.regrid_prior() >>> regridded prior
Dataset Overview

     Name:  tas
   Source:  /Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/docsrc/tutorial/testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/data/prior/b.e11.BLMTRC5CN.f19_g16.001.cam.h0.TREFHT.085001-184912.nc
    Shape:  time:1001, lat:42, lon:63
LMRt: job.regrid_prior() >>> job.prior updated
LMRt: job.prepare() >>> Prepration data saved to: /Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/docsrc/tutorial/testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/recon_high/job.pkl
LMRt: job.prepare() >>> job.configs["precalc"]["prep_savepath"] = /Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/docsrc/tutorial/testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/recon_high/job.pkl

Run the job

Okay, now we are ready to run the job.

job.run(recon_seeds=np.arange(1), verbose=True)
KF updating:   2%|▏         | 49/2001 [00:00<00:04, 482.46it/s]
LMRt: job.run() >>> job.configs["recon_seeds"] = [0]
LMRt: job.run() >>> job.configs["save_settings"] = {'compress_dict': {'zlib': True, 'least_significant_digit': 1}, 'output_geo_mean': False, 'target_lats': [], 'target_lons': [], 'output_full_ens': False, 'dtype': 32}
LMRt: job.run() >>> job.configs saved to: /Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/docsrc/tutorial/testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/recon_high/job_configs.yml
LMRt: job.run() >>> seed: 0 | max: 0
LMRt: job.run() >>> randomized indices for prior and proxies saved to: /Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/docsrc/tutorial/testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/recon_high/job_r00_idx.pkl
Proxy Database Overview
     Source:        /Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/docsrc/tutorial/testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/data/proxy/pages2k_dataset.pkl
       Size:        70
Proxy types:        {'coral.calc': 6, 'coral.SrCa': 19, 'coral.d18O': 45}
KF updating: 100%|██████████| 2001/2001 [01:09<00:00, 28.68it/s]
LMRt: job.save_recon() >>> Reconstructed fields saved to: /Users/fzhu/Github/LMRt/docsrc/tutorial/testcases/PAGES2k_CCSM4_GISTEMP/recon_high/job_r00_recon.nc
LMRt: job.run() >>> DONE!

Once done, we will get the struture below in the “recon_high” directory:

├── calibed_psm.pkl
├── job_configs.yml
├── job_r00_idx.pkl
├── job_r00_recon.nc
├── job.pkl
├── obs_loc.pkl
├── prior_loc.pkl
├── seasonalized_obs.pkl
└── seasonalized_prior.pkl

For the visualization of the results, please move on to the tutorial regarding visualizations.