
class LMRt.reconjob.ReconJob(configs=None, proxydb=None, prior=None, obs=None)

Reconstruction Job

General rule of loading parameters: load from the YAML first if available, then update with the parameters in the function calling,

so the latter has a higher priority

crop_prior(domain_range=None, verbose=False)

Take a smaller domain for reconstruction


[lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max]

gen_Xb(recon_vars=None, verbose=False)

Generate Xb

gen_Ye(proxy_frac=None, nens=None, verbose=False, seed=0)

Generate Ye

load_configs(cfg_path=None, job_dirpath=None, verbose=False)

Load the configuration YAML file

self.configs will be updated


the path of a configuration YAML file

load_obs(path_dict=None, varname_dict=None, verbose=False, anom_period=None)

Load instrumental observations fields

path_dict: dict

a dict of environmental variables

varname_dict: dict

a dict to map variable names, e.g. {‘tas’: ‘sst’} means ‘tas’ is named ‘sst’ in the input NetCDF file

load_prior(path_dict=None, varname_dict=None, verbose=False, anom_period=None)

Load model prior fields

path_dict: dict

a dict of environmental variables

varname_dict: dict

a dict to map variable names, e.g. {‘tas’: ‘sst’} means ‘tas’ is named ‘sst’ in the input NetCDF file

load_proxydb(path=None, verbose=False, load_df_kws=None)

Load the proxy database

self.proxydb will be updated


if given, should point to a pickle file with a Pandas DataFrame underlying


class LMRt.reconres.ReconRes(job_dirpath, load_num=None, verbose=False)

Make a copy of the Series object


A copy of the Series object


class LMRt.reconres.ReconSeries(series_list)
plot(lgd_kws=None, **kws)

Plot multiple timeseries on the same axis

figsizelist, optional

Size of the figure. The default is [10, 4].

markerstr, optional

marker type. The default is None.

markersizefloat, optional

marker size. The default is None.

colorsa list of, or one, Python supported color code (a string of hex code or a tuple of rgba values)

Colors for plotting. If None, the plotting will cycle the ‘tab10’ colormap; if only one color is specified, then all curves will be plotted with that single color; if a list of colors are specified, then the plotting will cycle that color list.


The colormap to use when “colors” is None.

normmatplotlib.colors.Normalize like

The nomorlization for the colormap. If None, a linear normalization will be used.

linestylestr, optional

Line style. The default is None.

linewidthfloat, optional

The width of the line. The default is None.

xlabelstr, optional

x-axis label. The default is None.

ylabelstr, optional

y-axis label. The default is None.

titlestr, optional

Title. The default is None.

legendbool, optional

Wether the show the legend. The default is True.

plot_kwargsdict, optional

Plot parameters. The default is None.

lgd_kwargsdict, optional

Legend parameters. The default is None.

savefig_settingsdictionary, optional

the dictionary of arguments for plt.savefig(); some notes below: - “path” must be specified; it can be any existed or non-existed path,

with or without a suffix; if the suffix is not given in “path”, it will follow “format”

  • “format” can be one of {“pdf”, “eps”, “png”, “ps”} The default is None.

axmatplotlib.ax, optional

The matplotlib axis onto which to return the figure. The default is None.

mutebool, optional

if True, the plot will not show; recommend to turn on when more modifications are going to be made on ax

invert_xaxisbool, optional

if True, the x-axis of the plot will be inverted

fig, ax


class LMRt.reconres.ReconField(time, lat, lon, field_list, varname=None, verbose=False)

Make a copy of the Series object


A copy of the Series object


class LMRt.proxy.ProxyRecord(pid, lat, lon, time, value, ptype, psm_name=None, psm=None, time_name='Time', value_name=None, time_unit='yr', value_unit=None, label=None, prior_value=None, prior_time=None, obs_value=None, obs_time=None, seasonality=None, ye_time=None, ye_value=None)

Make a copy of the Series object


A copy of the Series object


Forward modeling: calculate ye using the PSM according to self.psm

plot(plot_Ye=True, **kws)

Plot the timeseries


a list of two integers indicating the figure size


e.g., ‘o’ for dots See [matplotlib.markers](https://matplotlib.org/3.1.3/api/markers_api.html) for details


the size of the marker

colorstr, list

the color for the line plot e.g., ‘r’ for red See [matplotlib colors] (https://matplotlib.org/3.2.1/tutorials/colors/colors.html) for details


e.g., ‘–’ for dashed line See [matplotlib.linestyles](https://matplotlib.org/3.1.0/gallery/lines_bars_and_markers/linestyles.html) for details


the width of the line


the label for the line


the label for the x-axis


the label for the y-axis


the title for the figure


The default drawing order for all lines on the plot

legend{True, False}

plot legend or not

invert_xaxisbool, optional

if True, the x-axis of the plot will be inverted


the dictionary of keyword arguments for ax.plot() See [matplotlib.pyplot.plot](https://matplotlib.org/3.1.3/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.pyplot.plot.html) for details


the dictionary of keyword arguments for ax.legend() See [matplotlib.pyplot.legend](https://matplotlib.org/3.1.3/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.pyplot.legend.html) for details


Transparency setting


the dictionary of arguments for plt.savefig(); some notes below: - “path” must be specified; it can be any existed or non-existed path,

with or without a suffix; if the suffix is not given in “path”, it will follow “format”

  • “format” can be one of {“pdf”, “eps”, “png”, “ps”}

axmatplotlib.axis, optional

the axis object from matplotlib See [matplotlib.axes](https://matplotlib.org/api/axes_api.html) for details.


if True, the plot will not show; recommend to turn on when more modifications are going to be made on ax


the figure object from matplotlib See [matplotlib.pyplot.figure](https://matplotlib.org/3.1.1/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.pyplot.figure.html) for details.


the axis object from matplotlib See [matplotlib.axes](https://matplotlib.org/api/axes_api.html) for details.

When ax is passed, the return will be ax only; otherwise, both fig and ax will be returned.

pyleoclim.utils.plotting.savefig : saving figure in Pyleoclim

Plot the SOI record

Change the line color

Save the figure. Two options available:
  • Within the plotting command

  • After the figure has been generated

seasonalize(season=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], make_year_mm_nan=False, inplace=False)

Seasonalize the proxy record


class LMRt.proxy.ProxyDatabase(records=None, source=None)
add(records, inplace=False, verbose=False)

Add a list of records into the database

filter_dt(dt=1, inplace=False)

Filter the proxy database according to temporal resolution

filter_pids(pids, inplace=False)

Filter the proxy database according to given pids

filter_ptype(ptype_list, inplace=False)

Filter the proxy database according to given ptype list


a list of ptype’s

get_var_from_ds(seasonalized_ds, ptype_season, ds_type=None, verbose=False)

Get environmental variables from prior

load_df(df, pid_column='paleoData_pages2kID', lat_column='geo_meanLat', lon_column='geo_meanLon', time_column='year', value_column='paleoData_values', proxy_type_column='paleoData_proxy', archive_type_column='archiveType', value_name_column='paleoData_variableName', value_unit_column='paleoData_units', ptype_season=None, ptype_psm=None, verbose=False)

Load database from a Pandas DataFrame

dfPandas DataFrame

a Pandas DataFrame include at least lat, lon, time, value, proxy_type


a mapping from ptype to psm

remove(pids, inplace=False, verbose=False)

Remove a list of records from the database regardless existing or not

seasonalize(ptype_season, inplace=False)

Filter the proxy database according to given ptype list


a dict of seasonality for each proxy type


class LMRt.gridded.Field(name, time, lat, lon, value, source=None)
crop(domain_range, inplace=False)

Crop the domain for reconstruction


[lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max] for a square domain or [lat_min, lat_max] to crop the lats only

seasonalize(season=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], make_year_mm_nan=True, inplace=False)

Seasonalize the field


class LMRt.gridded.Dataset(fields=None)
crop(domain_range, inplace=False)

Crop the domain for reconstruction


[lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max] for a square domain or [lat_min, lat_max] to crop the lats only

load_nc(path_dict, anom_period=None, varname_dict=None, inplace=False)

Load a NetCDF file that assumed to include time, lat, lon, value

varname_dict: dict

a dict to map variable names, e.g. {‘tas’: ‘tempanomaly’} means ‘tas’ is named ‘tempanomaly’ in the input NetCDF file


class LMRt.psm.Linear(proxy_time, proxy_value, obs_tas_time, obs_tas_value, prior_tas_time=None, prior_tas_value=None)
class LMRt.psm.Bilinear(proxy_time, proxy_value, obs_tas_time, obs_tas_value, obs_pr_time, obs_pr_value, prior_tas_time=None, prior_tas_value=None, prior_pr_time=None, prior_pr_value=None)