Installation =============== Install the Conda environment ----------------------------- You may skip this step if your Conda environment has been setup already. Step 1: Download the installation script for miniconda3 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" macOS ''''' .. code-block:: bash wget Linux ''''' .. code-block:: bash wget Step 2: Install Miniconda3 """"""""""""""""""""""""""" .. code-block:: bash chmod +x Miniconda3-latest-*.sh && ./Miniconda3-latest-*.sh During the installation, a path :code:`` needs to be specified as the base location of the python environment. After the installation is done, we need to add the two lines into your shell environment (e.g., :code:`~/.bashrc` or :code:`~/.zshrc`) as below to enable the :code:`conda` package manager (remember to change :code:`` with your real location): .. code-block:: bash export PATH="/bin:$PATH" . /etc/profile.d/ Step 3: Test your Installation """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. code-block:: bash source ~/.bashrc # assume you are using Bash shell which python # should return a path under which conda # should return a path under Install PyVSL ------------- Taking a clean install as example, first let's create a new environment named :code:`PyVSL` via :code:`conda` .. code-block:: bash conda create -n PyVSL python=3.9 conda activate PyVSL For the wrapper mode for the R code, which is **optional**, we need to install `the R programming language `_, and the original R package of VS-Lite, which can be done by executing the below lines in the R console: .. code-block:: R install.packages("devtools") library(devtools) install_github("fzhu2e/VSLiteR") After that, we also need to install `Octave `_, which is an open-source alternative to Matlab: .. code-block:: bash brew install octave # in macOS Then, we need to install the :code:`rpy2` (**optional**) and :code:`oct2py` python packages: .. code-block:: bash pip install rpy2 # this is optional if you don't use the R wrapper pip install oct2py Now we are ready to install :code:`PyVSL` from PyPi: .. code-block:: bash pip install PyVSL or to install from the local path by executing .. code-block:: bash pip install -e . in the directory of the downloaded repo. Then we are ready to import the package in Python: .. code-block:: python import PyVSL